What are the insurance requirements for the babysitter?

What are the insurance requirements for the babysitter?


The insurance requirements for a babysitter will vary depending on the jurisdiction. However, some general requirements include:

  • Liability insurance: Most jurisdictions require babysitters to have liability insurance with a minimum coverage amount of $1 million per person and $2 million per occurrence.
  • Professional liability insurance: Some jurisdictions also require babysitters to have professional liability insurance with a minimum coverage amount of $1 million.
  • Criminal history check: Some jurisdictions require babysitters to undergo a background check or criminal history check to ensure they are not convicted of any crimes or have a history of abuse.
  • Training: Some jurisdictions require babysitters to complete training courses on child development, first aid, and CPR.
  • References: Some jurisdictions require babysitters to provide references from previous employers or other individuals who can attest to their character and competence.