What are the disciplinary actions that the babysitter can take?

What are the disciplinary actions that the babysitter can take?

Sure, here are the disciplinary actions that the babysitter can take:

  • Expulsion: The babysitter can be expelled from the home if they are found to be violating the babysitting agreement or the law.
  • Suspension: The babysitter can be suspended from caring for children for a specified period of time.
  • Termination: The babysitter can be terminated from their employment if they are found to have committed a serious violation of the babysitting agreement or the law.
  • Verbal warnings: The babysitter can be given verbal warnings for minor violations of the babysitting agreement or the law.
  • Written warnings: The babysitter can be given written warnings for more serious violations of the babysitting agreement or the law.
  • Removal of children: The babysitter can be removed from the home if they are found to be abusing or neglecting children in their care.